Local Contact Person:
- Dr. Sarvar Makhmudjanov
- Phone: +99 (899) 950-29-58
- Office: +99 (871) 238-65-19
- Telegram: @Sarvartuit
- Email: s.makhmudjanov@gmail.com
Local venue contact details:
- Room #508, Block B, Department of Artificial
- Intelligence, Tashkent University of Information
- Technologies named after Muhammad al-Khwarizmi
- (TUIT)
- Venue Address:
- Main Hall, 108A, str. A.Temur, dist. Yunusabad, city
- Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 100084
Orginizing chair of IHCI society:
- Dr. Dhananjay Singh
- Phone: +82-10-5844-9415
- Office: +82-31-330-4731
- Email: dsingh@hufs.ac.kr